
Wikipedia - Buddhism originated in India, from where it spread through much of Asia. Two branches: Theravada (Pali: "The School of the Elders") and Mahayana (Sanskrit: "The Great Vehicle"). Buddhism has over 500 million followers globally as of May 2026.

Pronunciation base on the Pali language

long sound: aa, e, ii, o, uu, ay

short sound: a i u



a as in father

o as in go

e as in they

u as in glue

i as in machine

ay as in Faye



c as in ancient

p as in spot

k as in skin

ph or bh as in upholstery

kh as in backhand

t as in stop

.m & n as in ing

th or dh as in thomas

ň as in canyon

v as in win

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