Monday, May 3, 2010

The Continuation of The Past (Reincarnation) - Part 2

The concept of reincarnation isn't new. The ancients loved to explore and to learn about the unknown. They realized that lives are born based on their past consciousness or KAMMA. Every new life, any life, brings with it an inherited memories and KAMMA. Each an every one of them will grow and live their lives based on these memories. This is not predestination or predetermination due to the fact that action can be altered.

Mental Reprogramming System

How reincarnation works, no one really knows. But, my feeling is that mind enjoys to be recognized and enjoys expressing its feelings. The only way it could do this is to live in a physical body - any body. After a body dies, mind continues to live in a non-physical realm. If it has any attachments to the earthly world, it will try to zap into a new born based on its consciousness. If its previous life was an animal, it more than likely to return as an animal. However, if it had accumulated intelligent consciousness in the past life, it would be reborn as a human. My feeling is that animals and insects are rarely to be reborn as human. For instance, it took us at least a billion years to become who we are. Yes, we were NOT human then. Humans, too, will be reborn as human again; if and only if during their human life, they have accumulated a higher consciousness according to the Buddhist's teachings. In order to acquire higher consciousness, one must follow the five Buddhist's precepts.

Case Study:
1. A twin, born from one mother, raised the same way, fed the same food, lived in the same home. Did these two individuals have the same mind and consciousness? or are they different from each other?

2. An individual, born from un-educated parents who are negative about everything, excels in learning, is quick with positive thought, and surrounds himself/herself with intelligent people. Why?

3. Deja Vu: The term refers to having already experienced. Many of us have these feelings, having experienced before, but unsure of when and where. Perhaps, this is a flashback of unconscious mind - unconsciously trigger by the mind. In my opinion, memories do not get erased. They are compiled and compressed every millisecond.

4. It is possible that someone is able to foretell the future - psychic ability. People can't really foretell the future without some sort of information or past memories. However, given information about the foretelling individual and the consciousness of the teller, perhaps it is possible to predict the individual's future. Compared to a computer user, he knows by moving a mouse over a linking icon, he can click and predict what is to happen.

Reincarnation is perhaps the reason our world is what it is. Humans use these past memories to design their lives. If reincarnation is not real, all lives would be born with the same bases - beginning with zero memory. Case Study 1 would result in exact mind. Case Study 2 would result in the similar fashion as his/her parents. Case Study 3 'deja vu' would not occur. Or the word psychic would not even exist in Case Study 4.

Conclusion, I am not trying to convince readers to believe my writing. However, I encourage you to investigate this concept - reincarnation.

Jack Panyakone


1. Miracle Mastery

2. 7 Minutes Mindfulness

3. Master Mentalism

4. The Richard Summit

5. Manifestation Magic

6. Mind Secret Exposed

7. Mind Balancing

8. Insane Manifestation Magic

9. Energy Bracelet

10. Yoga Burn Supplement

11. Magic Power

12. Power of Conversation

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